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Technical Help

At BagBarn, we have all of our vehicles on air, from winter driven dailies, to show vehicles, chances are we have had the same issues you are having and will be able to help you through these situations. We dont just do air on sunny days, we do air ALL DAYS



How to Order?

Parts & Supplies

BagBarn stands behind all the companies we supply. We have always and will always carry the industry leading products. We will never sell you ANYTHING we wouldt install on our own vehicles. give us a call if you want us to look into products you dont see on this site.  





Manual Service

Looking for a full service air suspesnion istall shop? look no more. BagBarn is fully equped to handle all of your install needs. looking for fabrication? We have a fully licenced tech on staff, fully licenced to welc on your chassis. We are proud to say that we are currently the ONLY Alberta air suspension installation facility to have these qualifications. to book your install, give us a shout





To order products, we have made it easy. use this website and its ecommerce to make your purhase easy. if you would prefer talking to a real person, please call us 





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